Alliance for Mystical Pragmatics

Alliance for Mystical Pragmatics

Harmonizing Evolutionary Convergence

Glossary Menus


The Datum is the starting point for the development of Integral Relational Logic, the Cosmic Context, Gnostic Foundation, and coordinating framework for the Unified Relationships Theory, which provides a coherent cognitive map of the Universe, experienced as Satchitānanda.

It is the zeroth primal concept in the ‘bootstrap program’ necessary to load the all-powerful Integral Operating System into consciousness. For zero has evolved from Sanskrit Śūnyatā, by a circuitous root, as Emptiness in Buddhism. The Datum is thus the Void in the second verse of the book of Genesis in the Judaic Torah and Christian Bible.

In evolutionary terms, the Datum is the Origin of the Universe, which Charles Darwin did not mention in his seminal book On the Origin of Species, first published in 1859. To correct this omission, the Datum is the Alpha Point of evolution, whose glorious culmination is the Omega Point, as Wholeness, where Alpha and Omega are one, in the Eternal Now.

As the etymology indicates, the Datum is the Immortal, Formless Ground of Being, the Ultimate Donor of all meaningless data patterns in the relativistic world of form prior to interpretation as meaningful information and knowledge by an intelligent being.

From the second PIE root of Datum, it is also the Ultimate Cause of everything that exists in the relativistic world of form, emerging through the irrepressible power of Life and the Logos.

So hidden in the depths of our language is a word that enables us to solve many of the unsolved problems in science and society, healing the pains that we humans have suffered during thousands of years of human learning because of our ignorance of what the Universe is and how it is intelligently designed.

As the Datum of the Universe is Ineffable, there is nothing more that can be said about it, other than that we humans can ‘sense’ it as Stillness and the Presence of the Divine, prior to beings in the world of form emerging from its Essence, which is Love.


Neuter past participle of Latin dare ‘to offer, give’, from PIE base ‘to give’, also root of donor, endow, dowry, betray, surrender, dose, and Pandora (‘having all gifts, all-gifted’, from Greek dōron ‘gift’).

Latin dare also coincidentally meant ‘to cause, bring about, put’, from PIE base *dhē- ‘to set, put’, also root of do, through a Germanic path, and a host of words from Latin facere ‘to do, make’, such as affect, efficient and faculty.

Common ancestor(s):