Alliance for Mystical Pragmatics

Alliance for Mystical Pragmatics

Harmonizing Evolutionary Convergence

Glossary Menus


In Panosophy, Essence is the ‘Immortal Cosmic Soul’, inseparable from our personal souls. Such an awakened realization is sensed by breaking the fundamental taboo of Western civilization, which asserts that there is an experiential and cognitive split between humanity and Divinity that never be healed, but from which none of us is ever separate.

To put what is Ineffable into words, in conformity with the fundamental law of the Universe, the Divine Essence of the Cosmos is the centre of the Ocean of Consciousness, or Oneness, and the Cosmic Essence is the entire Ocean, transcending and embracing everything there is, as Wholeness.

But, even before we are fully awakened in Wholeness, many sense that the Divine Essence that we all share is Immanent, Nondual Love, which has no opposite. Love is simply ‘What is’.


See essence

Common ancestor(s): 