Alliance for Mystical Pragmatics

Alliance for Mystical Pragmatics

Harmonizing Evolutionary Convergence

Glossary Menus


In Panosophy, God is the Totality of Existence like the Universe. This is the first pillar of wisdom, unifying the Formless Absolute and the relativistic world of form, in contrast to the first pillar of unwisdom underlying Western civilization, which asserts that humanity and Divinity are separate from each other and can never be conjoined.

Here, God is capitalized, not to denote the proper name of a superhuman being with whom one has a personal relationship, as in Christianity, but because this word is one of many that denotes the Absolute, transcending (climbing beyond) and immansing (dwelling within) the relativistic world of form.

Essentially, this is the Gnostic meaning of God, when we realize that to be truly human is to be Divine, inseparable from Wholeness, as the union of all opposites. In Gnosis, there is just Peace, where all the Holy wars—wars about the Whole, which have long bedevilled human relationships—have come to an end, as has the long-running war between science and relgion.

OM (AUM)However, the three major monotheistic religions of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam regard humanity to be separate from the Absolute, unlike in the Mandukya Upanishad, where Brahman and Atman are one, represented by the symbol OM (AUM), as a manifestation of Consciousness, encompassing the physical, mental, and spiritual realms of existence.

This is a tragic situation, for when God is other, existential fear arises because people feel separate from the Immortal Ground of Being that we all share, assuaged by cultural immortality symbols, the most prevalent being the accumulation of money, leading to much social instability because of the widening gap between the rich and poor in financial terms.

As a consequence, there is so much immense emotive power around the word God that it is perhaps best to avoid using the word as much as possible. Words like Wholeness, Absolute, Universe, Consciousness, Datum, and Oneness are much preferable, all pointing to Reality, Ultimate Reality.

See also: 


Old English from about 725 bce, from Proto-Germanic *guðán, from two possible PIE bases, outlined in the piece on the common ancestor.

Common ancestor(s):