Alliance for Mystical Pragmatics

Alliance for Mystical Pragmatics

Harmonizing Evolutionary Convergence

Glossary Menus


PIE base ‘to split, cut’.

Other derivatives include splint, splinter, splice, and flint.

[Pokorny, (s)plei-, p. 1000.]

split soul

Even though none of us is ever separate from the Divine, for thousands of years humans have been living as if we are, not understanding that which lies within and beyond our distinct beings, yet has enormous influence on our lives.


William Shakespeare introduced split into English in The Comedy of Errors, when a ship hit a mighty rock and “was splitted in the midst”. The ship was carrying Egeon of Syracuse in Sicily, his wife Emilia, their twin baby sons, ‘not distinguishable’, and their twin servants, ‘both alike’. Two ships rescued Egeon and Emilia, together with one son each and his servant, the latter being taken to Ephesus in Greece.